Employment Law is one of the fastest changing areas of law. We understand the challenges faced by businesses and can support you as an employer and as an employee.
What we do
We are there for you in the good times and the not so good, from recruitment to termination.
Our Employment Law Service offers competitive rates with the cost being spread over 12 months. This service will support you and your business with the advice you need when you need it.
We are here to guide you through employment issues when they arise, including in the following:
Employers are legally required to provide a written statement of terms to their employees. Don’t wait until you need to rely on contractual terms as by then it may be too late. Instead, make sure you have a contract that reflects the terms you want and need in place at the start of the employee/employer relationship to help it run smoothly.
We can guide you on the effect and enforceability of existing terms, including enforcing obligations to protect your business and recover loss and guidance on restrictive covenants.
Whether it’s a brief legally compliant statement or a Director’s Service Agreement, we can provide you with a suitable terms. For employers, ensuring you are protecting your business and assets is vital with adequate notice, restrictive covenants and protection of confidential information. For employees, knowing what you are signing up to and getting terms right at the start is essential for you and your career. We can offer a competitive fixed fee for preparing the contract you need in order to avoid disputes and protect your interests.
Issues at work inevitably arise that need careful handling to resolve. We will guide you through the process to avoid breaching the employer’s obligations in handling disciplinary, capability and grievance issues and to assist an employee with a grievance or claim. Without following the correct process, a tribunal claim or court action is more likely, more costly and the outcome compromised. We are here to make sure you get it right and will help you achieve a practical solution.
Don’t be caught out by TUPE, it can surprise you. The Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations, known as TUPE, protects the employment and terms of employees in a variety of situations. Taking on a commercial lease and carrying on the same business activity as the previous occupier, buying a business, bringing a service in house or successfully tendering to provide a service could mean employees who worked in the previous business will become your employees and not on your terms.
We will guide you on whether TUPE applies and where it does we will take you through the process and assist with issues that arise from consultation, exchanging employee information, resulting redundancies and on the changes that can be made as well as those that cannot.
Speak to us about proposals to restructure and we can assist you in achieving your aim while avoiding unfair dismissal claims and with the support of our corporate team we can guide you on the employment issue that raise in buying and selling a business.
Settlement Agreements are an option to consider where an employee has a potential claim. A Settlement Agreement can bring employment to an end amicably and offers protection from certain future claims. As they can only be offered in certain circumstances and the offer must be made in a specified way, otherwise it will no longer be a protected and confidential offer, it is important you seek legal advice at the earliest opportunity. We regularly advise employers and employees on these Agreements and do not hesitate to get in touch.
There are always claims that cannot be resolved without a application being made to an Employment Tribunal. While settlement is still possible and often achieved, even after the final hearing has commenced, we have a record of obtaining favourable Employment Tribunal decisions for our clients. From drafting the claim or response forms and guiding you on the merits and claim value to conducting the full hearing we are here to represent you.
With experience in unlawful discrimination claims, unfair and constructive dismissal, holiday pay and wages claims, whistleblowing and bullying and harassment claims we are here to support you.
Karen Condie
Director, Glasgow
+44(0)141 226 4942
Not sure who to contact?
For more information or to enquire about the services we can provide, contact us by phone or email.
+44(0)141 226 4942
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