Wills, Estates and Future Planning
Administration of Deceased Estates
What we do
The death of a family member or friend can be a difficult and distressful time. Our personable and empathetic team is able to guide Executors and beneficiaries through the entire process. Our aim is to relieve the burden and offer reassurance to everyone involved. We are experienced in dealing with estates of varying value and complexity, whether there is a Will in place or not.
Our team has a great deal of experience in dealing with all of the tax implications following a death. When it comes to Inheritance Tax, we advise Executors as to all of the available exemptions to ensure that the assets pass to the beneficiaries in the most tax efficient way possible. We are able to make claims for Business Relief and/or Agricultural Property Relief, and to negotiate with HMRC to make sure that as little Inheritance Tax as possible is paid.
We are also able to advise the beneficiaries on the best way for them to receive their entitlement. The death of a family member can be an opportunity for beneficiaries to consider their own circumstances and to take advice on any potential tax or estate planning for themselves. Depending on their own personal circumstances, it may be sensible for them to consider a Deed of Variation to change what happens to their entitlement. Beneficiaries have up to two years after the death in question to make that decision.